Otr Elkalam (Scent of Speech) contestants are preparing for the semi-finals, which starts tomorrow, Sunday, by improving their performance by complying with the notes made by the jury on their performance in the recitation and call to prayer categories during the previous two stages of the largest competition of its kind in the world.
In the semi-finals, 12 contestants of different nationalities and ethnicities compete to reach the final, by speaking Arabic, the language of the Quran and the call to prayer and spreading peace in the hearts and ears of viewers.
There are 6 contestants in each of the recitation and call to prayer categories competing to reach the final stage of the competition to win the valuable prizes assigned to the winners in each category.
Many members of the jury noted that the improvement in the performance of the contestants is matched by raising the bar of evaluation criteria, stressing that despite the beautiful voices of the contestants when reciting the Holy Quran and delivering the call to prayer, the judges are also keen to check the grammar of the language used by contestants.
Otr Elkalam TV show, which is broadcast daily during Ramadan at 5 pm on the Saudia channel and Shahid platform, is one of the initiatives of the General Entertainment Authority aimed at spreading knowledge about the Holy Quran. It is also one of the most important programs with appropriate content for the holy month of Ramadan.