Disney On Ice presents 100 Years of Wonder is returning to Riyadh on August 24, and will be held in the Boulevard Riyadh City area as part of the Riyadh Calendar events. The show features stunning live performances that include ice stories and many experiences, and will continue until September 20.
The audience will enjoy a show from a world of fantasy with popular Disney stories and characters. They will witness performances that reflect Disney characters across the ages through a celebration full of adventure and skating, with special effects, innovative lighting, and diverse costumes.
The show features characters from Disney ‘s Moana, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Tangled, The Princess and the Frog, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. Stories from seven Disney princesses will be explored, in addition to a Disney’s Frozen and Disney●Pixar’s Coco. Reservations to attend the show can be made through the following link: https://enjoy.sa/en/events/disney-on-ice-2/ .