Boulevard Riyadh City hosted the activities of the largest Costume festival of its kind in the Kingdom, where many different costumes of world-famous characters in the world of anime, Marvel films and other personalities were present in special costumes.
Squid Game, Spiderman, Batman and prominent characters of the famous Peaky Blinders series, were present at the festival, which provides free entry for visitors wearing costumes. Dozens of different character costumes drew the attention of visitors.
As part of the festival’s activities, the Square subzone was decorated with bright lights that made the festival a destination for those looking for special events, which include the latest international innovations in costumes in the winter of the capital, Riyadh.
The festival witnessed roving performances that started from the Avalanche subzone, in which fans of costume events participated and contained performances of the characters of horror and drama series.
The Costume Festival succeeded in creating a distinctive atmosphere through many booths dedicated to horror makeup and performances that simulated famous international personalities in the world of horror, disguise and fantasy characters.