Happiness and Joy Industry Moves Chinese Traditions West to the Banks of Boulevard World

Happiness and Joy Industry Moves Chinese Traditions West to the Banks of Boulevard World

Dec 7, 2022

For the first time, Riyadh season 2022 visitors will be able to move opposite the compass and the map directions: they can get to China at a location between France and Morocco in Boulevard World, in a unique experience that takes you to the heart of China’s ancient cities, its luxurious palaces and corridors that contain distinctive activities.
In Boulevard World, the hospitable people of China welcome you with their spirits full of joy and happiness. You can move between the glow of spring colors, the red of buildings and tall domes, to the beat of the music and the Guqin stringed instrument, which immerses you in the festive atmosphere.
Riyadh Season visitors are dazzled by the Chinese dragon dance, which mimics its legend, and is in harmony with the folk costumes that highlight the traditional Chinese dress for men and women, amidst a number of majestic statues of lions and soldiers.
Explorers of China step into the atmosphere of the Forbidden City in Beijing with its giant palaces and antique decorations, leading them to the stores to buy souvenirs, antiques and tourist artifacts and enjoy restaurants that offer local dishes.
Chinese umbrellas are among the features of the China subzone. They stand out with their colors, drawings and deep symbolic meanings. The hanging light lanterns also dazzle you, and you get to know closely the use of air fans and their rapid folds. You will also try traditional costumes and folk dances, learn about the arts of Chinese calligraphy and obtain a painting with your name on it.
The Chinese experience is in harmony with the other subzones in Boulevard World. Entry tickets can be obtained through the link:

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