Business Services
Brief about business services. Arcu et odio volutpat vitae proin vitae amet adipiscing. Auctor ipsum enim tincidunt euismod tristique pellentesque. Convallis pulvinar molestie libero ut sodales amet, id viverra.
Entertainment business licenses and permits
This includes issuance of licenses and permits:
- Licensing businesses within defined Entertainment Activities
- Issuing permits to entertainment events and shows
Access to financing
GEA has partnered with financial firms to fund local businesses in the entertainment sector.
The services included are:
- Loans
- Project financing
- Working capital financing
- Growth and expansion solutions
- Crowdfunding options
Capability development
GEA has variety of services that support the growth of businesses, Including:
- Incubators and Accelerators
- Business Centers
- Co-working spaces
- Entertainment innovative events
Market intelligence
This service allows businesses to access data including:
- Future, Historical Sector Data
- Customized Data reports
This service promotes entertainment destinations and events through GEA channels.
Our current promotions:
- Enjoy – عيشها
- JOY Forum