“GEA” Launches 29 New Opportunities in Collaboration with the Ministry of Investment

In a move aimed at boosting growth in the Kingdom’s entertainment sector, the General Entertainment Authority (GEA), in collaboration with the Ministry of Investment, announced the launch of 29 investment opportunities across various entertainment sectors, including facilities and destinations. These opportunities have been made available on the “Invest in Saudi Arabia” platform, allowing local and […]

In its third edition, GEA launches the Entertainment Activities Accelerator to develop the sector

The General Entertainment Authority (GEA) has launched the third edition of the “Entertainment Activities Accelerator,” continuing its efforts to promote entrepreneurship and advance the entertainment sector in the Kingdom, in alignment with the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030. The accelerator aims to provide the necessary support and resources to enable businesses to launch innovative projects, […]

“GEA” Receives Four International Certifications in Quality and Compliance Management

Continuing its excellence and commitment to applying the highest global standards, the General Entertainment Authority (GEA) has obtained a series of international accreditations in the fields of quality and compliance, reinforcing its position as a leading government entity. The authority earned four certifications from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), including a groundbreaking certification in […]

ضمت 20 عملاً موزعة على فئات الرواية والسيناريو والرواية المترجمة تركي آل الشيخ يعلن عن القائمة القصيرة للأعمال المنافسة في جائزة القلم الذهبي

القلم الذهبي

أعلن معالي المستشار تركي بن عبدالمحسن آل الشيخ، رئيس مجلس إدارة الهيئة العامة للترفيه (GEA)، اليوم (الاثنين) عن القائمة القصيرة للأعمال المنافسة في جائزة القلم الذهبي للأدب الأكثر تأثيراً، التي ضمت 20 عملاً موزعة على فئات الرواية، السيناريو، والرواية المترجمة. وشهدت القائمة القصيرة 12 عملاً في فئة الرواية، تنوعت بين تصنيفات التشويق والإثارة، التاريخية، الرعب، […]
